Activate Inclusion Sports Day strikes Alice Springs
The inaugural Activate Inclusion Sports Day (AISD) proved a major hit for students living with disability in Alice Springs.
Aimed at kids aged 5-18 with learning difficulties, intellectual, sensory and physical disabilities, the days are an opportunity to have a go at sport and recreation in a fun and inclusive environment.
The day was delivered in partnership with Disability Sports Australia, Variety – the Children’s Charity, YMCA Alice Springs and Total Recreation. Disability Sports Northern Territory wishes to acknowledge the YMCA Alice Springs for providing the venue on the day.
Attracting 40 students in total, the day offered students with the opportunity to participate in various sports with adaptions and modifications to suit the wide variety of student needs.
Students were able to participate in AFL, football and table Tennis.
AFL NT Remote Development Manager Tommy Dutton outlined the success of the day.
“It was a great opportunity for students to get out of their comfort zone. Not to mention the ability for staff and myself to learn about various adaptions and modification that I can make to a footy clinic. It’s always great to see students smiling and enjoying something new”.
The day presented students with the opportunity to learn more about the Footy 4 Life Wellbeing Wednesday program that Tommy has delivered with the purpose of empowering members of the community to increase physical, mental and social wellbeing outcomes.
The Footy 4 Life Wellbeing program will recommence in April, 2022.
DSNT would like to thank SEDA Group who supplied Year 12 students to assist with the set-up, delivery and pack-up of the day, showing great maturity and leadership in assisting groups of younger students.
To learn more about the Activate Inclusion Sports Day Calendar in Alice Springs for 2022, contact James Little at or on 0436 407 445.
#Sport4all #changinglivesthroughsport #getactive #sportinclusionnt
Image Description - A student in a wheelchair holding a netball with the support of a Total Recreation staff member. In the background is another student who is excited for their turn.
(Photo Courtesy of Total Recreation)